School Supply Lists
About the Supply Lists
This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year.
- Supply List with All Grades Included
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- 2nd/3rd Grades Combo Class
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
Supply List with All Grades Included
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- 2pks- 24ct pack crayons
- 2pks- 12ct pack colored pencils
- 1 pair kid-size scissors
- 10ct pack expo dry erase markers (thin)
- 12 glue sticks
- 4 square boxes of Kleenex
- 1 roll paper towels
- 2 containers of Clorox wipes
- 3 reams of copy paper
- 2 plastic pocket folders
- 1 pop-top water bottle
- 1 1” three ring binder*Cuba only
- 12ct Ticonderoga pencils pre-sharpened
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
- 1 Lysol can of Spray **Cuba only
- 1 box of sandwich bags
- 1 box of gallon sized ziplock bags
- 1 box of snack size bags
First Grade
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- 1 box markers
- 2 box facial tissue
- 1 roll paper towel
- 1 pencil pouch or pencil box (Milligan’s Class Only)
- 2 boxes crayons– 24 count only
- 20 (#2) pencils
- 1 pair kid-size scissors
- 2 plastic folders with pockets and brads
- 2 wide-line spiral notebooks
- 2 reams of copy paper
- 3 large container disinfecting wipes
- 2 package fine line expo dry erase markers
- 20 glue sticks
- 2 pkgs of pink erasers
- 1 box of Ziploc bags any size
Second Grade
For 2nd/3rd Combination Class- Click on next section for supplies
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- 1 reusable water bottle with name
- headphones
- 2 boxes facial tissue
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 bottles liquid glue
- 1 water color paint
- 2 boxes colored pencils
- 1 box washable wide markers
- 12 pencils
- 1 pencil box
- 2 Sharpie markers
- 4 sturdy plastic go-home folders
- 4 large containers disinfecting wipes
- 3 reams copy paper
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 pack pencil top erasers
- 1 pair child size scissors
- 1 bottle antibacterial hand soap
- 2 package of fine dry erase markers
- 2 package of thick dry erase markers
- 1 ruler
- 1 box of Ziploc bags (sandwich or quarts)
Last Names:
A-G: white card stock
H-Z: paper towels
2nd/3rd Grades Combo Class
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- Reusable water bottle with name
- Headphones
- 3 boxes facial tissue
- 12 glue sticks
- 2 bottles liquid glue
- 1 box crayons
- 2 boxes colored pencils
- 1 box washable markers
- 36 Ticonderoga pencils sharpened
- 1 pencil box
- 2 Sharpie markers
- 2 sturdy plastic go-home folders
- 4 large containers disinfecting wipes
- 3 reams copy paper
- 2 large pink erasers
- 1 watercolor paint set
- 1 pack pencil top erasers
- 1 pair child size scissors
- 1 wide-line spiral notebooks
- 1 bottle antibacterial hand soap
- 2 package of thick dry erase markers
- 1 box of Ziploc bags (boys-gallon and girls-quart size)
Third Grade
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- Reusable water bottle with name
- 1 package colored pencils or crayons
- 24 #2 pencils- sharpened
- 2 large erasers or pencil toppers
- 1 school box or pencil bag
- 1 black Sharpie
- 2 large glue stick
- 1 pair scissors
- 2 wide ruled composition books
- 1 package of loose leaf
- 2 sturdy plastic Home/School folders
- 2 reams of copy paper
- 4 boxes facial tissue
- 1 package dry erase markers
- 1 large box of Ziploc bags (gallon or quart size)
- 2 large disinfecting wipes
- 1 roll of paper towels
Fourth Grade
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
- Backpack
- Water Bottle
- Pencil Box/Supply Bag
- 24 Pencils (NO individual sharpeners)
- Markers
- Colored Pencils
- Scissors
- 3 inch binder
- 1 package of wide-ruled filler paper
- 5 spiral bound notebooks
- 3 pocket folders
- 1 package of dividers
- 1 composition notebook
- 4 Glue Sticks
- 1 Bottle White Glue
- 4 Dry Erase Markers
- Headphones
- 3 Reams White Copy Paper
- 2 Boxes Tissue
- 2pk disinfecting wipes
- Packing Tape (Girls only)
- Duct Tape (Boys only)
- 1 Roll Paper Towels
- Gallon Ziploc Bags (boys only)
- Sandwich Ziploc Bags (girls only)
Fifth Grade
NOTE: This list includes the minimum supplies needed to start school. Some teachers may ask for additional items the first few days of school or throughout the school year. (updated 5/3/24)
** Items can be used from previous years**
- 1 reusable water bottle
- 2 boxes facial tissue
- 1 glue stick
- 1 small bottle of glue
- 12 mechanical pencils with lead refills ( 0.7 lead) or 24 (#2) Pencils
- 1 package dry-erase markers– chisel tip (“fat” markers)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 ruler (metric and inch)
- 3 composition notebooks
- 2 large erasers or pencil top erasers
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 package of highlighters (any color)
- 2 reams of copy paper
- 1 package of markers (1 Fine tip or 1 classic)
- 1 pencil bag/box
- 3 large containers of disinfecting wipes
- 2 folders with prongs
- 4 folders with pockets
- 2 packs graph paper (4 squares per inch)
- Boys-1 box gallon Ziploc bags
- Girls-1 box sandwich Ziploc bags
- 1 pair of headphones (optional)