Planter & Plaque Design
Planter Design
Student Committee
6 students in grades K-4 volunteered for this committee. They met for 70 minutes before school began: Lauren, Eli, Erin, Heath, Sydney, and Aaliyah.
They worked with 4 staff members: Mrs. Kate, Mrs. Diana, Mrs. Peacock, and Mrs. Rodriguez.
In those 70 minutes, they designed 5 planters: Insects, The Seasons in the Sandias, Native Pollinators, The Rock Cycle, and Multiplication Tables.
These designs, along with the other 23 planter designs, were presented to Mr. Chris Leyba, of APS Maintenance & Operations.
Planter Flyer Makers
Nine students make up this committee. They came together for two mornings to create a flyer. The flyers tell people who are interested in painting a planter how to get more information.
The flyers were posted around the school and sent home to all SASM families. Next school year, they will be posted throughout the community in Sandia Park, Cedar Crest, Tijeras, Edgewood, and Albuquerque.
Committee Members
- Leander
- Jens
- Lucy
- Elijah
- Aaliyah
- Sydney
- Antonio
- Katy
- Kallan
Plaque Designers
Students chose a teacher and reviewed that classroom's STEM theme for the planter. They used the fonts on the covers of library books to decide which one would best reflex the theme. Next, they mapped out a design that included the criteria (teacher's name, grade, STEM theme, matching image). Then, they wrote notes to tell others any pertinent details. If a design was not finished during the committee time, students will use a recess to complete their work.
Student Committee
- Kailan- 5th
- Lauren- 5th
- Josie- 4th
- Sydney- 1st
- Jack- 4th
- Aaliyah- 4th
STEM Planter Ideas
Twenty-seven students met early before school to brainstorm STEM ideas to paint our planters. They presented their group's ideas to the whole committee. After the presentations, students discussed with their group further ideas. These ideas were shared with the Planter Flyer Committee.
Click the link below to see the graphic organizer created to showcase the myriad of STEM connection ideas.
The Idea Student Committee
Committee Members
- Leander
- Anastasia
- Kate
- Elowen
- Josephine
- James
- Miles
- Mark
- Foster
- Theo
- Camila
- Heath
- Callie
- Jens
- Lucy
- Jasper
- Eli
- Lionel
- Grace
- Elijah
- Aaliyah
- Antonio
- Katy
- Kallan
- Jillian
- Audrey
Wildflower Naturalists
Committee Members
- Kindergarteners:Elizabeth, Kai,Jameson,Eli,Sydney,Audrey, Miles
- 1st Graders:Josephine,Mark, Theo,Lucy
- 2nd Graders:Elowen,Miles, Camila,Jasper,Maggie,plus one more
- 3rd Graders:Lyla,Maeve,Elijah, Aaliyah
- 4th Graders:Mila,Toula,Jens
- 5th Graders:Jordan,Jackson, Tessa,Eli,Rachael,Brooke,Katy, plus one more
Planting The Native Perennials
Watering Plants - 34 students in grades Kindergarten - 5th participated in this committee! They worked in teams of 4 with a student leader. So far, they have:
- Visited the outdoor planters
- Learned about perennials vs annual, native vs exotic, and the many ways native perennials help the local fauna
- Researched wildflowers in a variety of books
- Wrote information on a chart with names and STEM connections
- Confirmed Plants of the Southwest sell the wildflowers in either plants or seeds
- Share their findings with other teams
- Completed Field Work at Plants of the Southwest- purchased native, perennial wildflowers to plant in the planters
- Planted & watered the wildflowers in four of the planters and in the Children's Garden!